Online entry to 2014 VCM Series Round 3 at Undera has now been added to the Calendar page, just click on the link next to the Undera round. Online payment must be made with your entry. Payments are processed via the PayPal website. Note that you do not need a PayPal account to make your payment but you do not have to have a PayPal account, you can still pay online with any Credit Card (see the PayPal Instructions here)
Also you can still print out the old fashioned entry form, fill it in and post it to the host club with your payment. Remember if posting your pre-entry it MUST arrive in the post by Wednesday 18th June so get it in the post early. If you haven’t got your postal entry in the post by the Sunday before the race then it’s too late and you must enter online by the Wednesday before the race or you risk getting slugged with the late entry fee and there may not be a 1-day licence available on the day.
Online entries for all of the remaining 2014 VCM series rounds will be added to the VCM Calendar page soon, so check back regularly.
Note also that the deadline for Withdrawal from the race is the same as the deadline for pre-entry (i.e. Wednesday night prior to the race). If you need to withdraw for any reason then send notification by email to by the deadline or you will loose the entry and one day licence fee(s) paid.
If you have any questions or feedback about online entries please contact Matt Rossignoli . If a mistake is made during the online entry process then Matt should be able to sort it out for you.