2014 VCM Inter-club Series Presentation Night

Posted: November 9, 2014 in News

This year’s VCM Series Presentation Night is on November 27th at the Wandin Nth Public Hall, 430  Clegg Rd Wandin Nth (Melways ref 119 C11), next door to CFA Station.  Starts at 7:30pm.  Free Food & Drinks to paid up VCM members and 1 guest (costs $10 per head for additional guests & advance notice req’d).

We will be showing movies and have some bikes on display.  Please feel free to bring along a DVD or a bike for display.

If you are thinking of bringing a bike along for display or any additional guests please contact Jerry Healy on 0400 044 093 beforehand to make arrangements.

PLEASE RSVP BY NOVEMBER 22ND to Jerry’s Mobile or email at jerryhealy@bigpond.com.




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