Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Dates and Venues for the 2017 VCM Series can be viewed on the Calendar page of the VCM website.  3 of the 6 rounds have been locked in already.

Online Registration with VCM for 2017 season is now open, to register just go to the Calendar page of the VCM website and click on the link.  VCM Registration is a mandatory requirement to ride in any of the rounds of this years VCM series.  When you register you reserve a race number for the year’s series and your email address is added to the mailing list for information about the VCM series.

2017 VCM Committee

Posted: February 25, 2017 in News

The faces on the VCM Committee are largely unchanged from 2016.  There is one new face this year, Jeffre Klemm, who’s joined the VCM Committee this year and has taken on the role of Sponsorship.  For the 2017 VCM Committee Contact Details and the Roles go to the Contacts page of the VCM website.

The results for 2016 VCM Interclub Series Round 3 held at Alexandra earlier this month have just been posted on the VCM website.  To view them go to the Calendar page on the VCM website and click on the “Results” link next to Round 3.

Info for 2016 Round 2 – Pakenham

Posted: May 13, 2016 in News

Online Entries for Round 2 will remain open until midnight on Wednesday 18th May, to enter just go to the Calendar page and click on the “ENTER” link next to Round 2.  The Map and Instructions for this event is also up on the Calendar page.

Please Note:
1) The Host Club have advised that a $20 LATE ENTRY FEE will be charged if you enter on the day.  This is to encourage more people to pre-enter online, in an attempt to avoid the long queues and waiting times at race day sign in.
2) There is No Camping Available At The Track
3) Please remember to bring along proof of you Motorcycle Club and Ambulance Memberships to race sign in as it is required.

It will be an awesome event this year, the club have laid out a new racetrack on a different part of the property, it’s now much closer to McGregor Rd.

We hope to see everyone there.

The VCM Committee.

Online Entries have now been opened for the second round of the 2016 VCM Interclub Series on May 22nd at Pakenham hosted by Koo Wee Rup MCC.  To enter go to the Calendar page and click on the “ENTER” link next to Round 2.  Entries will close on the Wednesday night before the race (Wednesday 18th May) so get your entries in before then.

Online Entries have now been opened for the first round of the 2016 VCM Interclub Series on April 10th at Krusic’s Ride Park in Sale hosted by East Malvern MCC.  To enter go to the Calendar page of the VCM website and click on the “ENTER” link next to Round 1.  Entries will close on the Wednesday night before the race (Wednesday 6th April) so get your entries in before then.

To kick off the 2016 season the VCM Committee have organised a recreational ride day at Krusic’s ride park on March 13.  Note that the Vintage MX Racetrack will not be open for the fun day ride this year.  VCM riders will have access to all of the regular tracks at the park.  Bring along any bike(s) that you’d like to ride, Classics, Post Classics and Modern bikes are all OK.  All are welcome and remember that the complex caters for Juniors so bring the kids along for a ride if you’d like.

Cost for Senior riders (16+) is $40, Juniors (U16) can ride in the park for $20, gates open at 10am.

A printable map with directions to the ride park is available to download on the Calendar page of the VCM website (next to the “VCM Fun Day Ride” item).

Camping is Not Permitted at Krusic’s Ride Park, Campsites are available nearby.

Following on from the success of the Pre-85 Feature Class at the final round of the 2015 series, the VCM Committee have decided to include a Pre-85 Feature Class at three rounds of the 2016 VCM series.  Rounds that will include a Pre-85 Feature Class are:

Round 4 -> Aug 21st at Yanakie, hosted by Corner Inlet MCC.
Round 6 -> Oct 9th at Under, hosted by Goulburn Valley MCC.
Final Round -> Nov 6th at Boags Property in Stony Creek. hosted by East Malvern MCC

Dates for 4 rounds of the 2016 VCM Interclub Series can be viewed on the Calendar Page. More dates for the 2016 series will be announced soon.

Preparations for the 2016 VCM Inter-Club Series is well underway.  The VCM Committee from 2015 have been re-appointed for 2016 with only one change.  That is that Darryl Giulieri has been appointed VCM Committee Chairperson (and President) for 2016, replacing Ross Martin who did not continue with the VCM committee in 2016.  Should you need them the VCM Committee’s contact details can be found on the Contacts page.

As in 2015 registration with VCM for 2016 season is done online.  To register just go the the Calendar page and click on the REGISTER link.

More information on the 2016 VCM Season will be sent out soon so for now please register with VCM for 2016 in order to get on the mailing list and reserve your beloved race number for 2016.